Sunday 19 June 2011

Storage from Ikea

KOMPLEMENT 'multi-use' hanger £3.99
I was in Ikea Friday night with my OH and I came across a great bargain and massive space saver.

I've somehow accumulated a lot of scarves, and usually store them on hangers, with one hanger each holding 4 scarves. 
My wardrobe is pretty small, so this method takes up way too much space as the scarves are quite bulky. 

When I saw this I knew it would be perfect! And at just £3.99 I had to get it.
Here's how my scarves look now:

The way I've tied my scarves on to the hanger means this has the capacity to hold 28 in total, or even 32 if you use the space at the top too! Which is good because it means I have a lot of room to grow.
With all the scarves on the hanger it's so heavy! Yet the hanger itself is extremely strong and sturdy, and shows absolutely no signs of giving, which is obviously what you want. 
This hanger is great quality, which is a bonus with it being such a low price. 

This hanger could be used to store not only Scarves, but also Belts and Ties. (I'm very tempted to get another one to house my belt obsession!) And I'm sure there's many more things this could be used to store.

I absolutely LOVE Ikea, I don't think I could ever tire of wandering around looking at all their lovely products and great bargains. Its amazing if you're as obsessed with storage as I am (I'm always looking for new makeup storage so I have room to buy more! hehe).

Would love to hear any of your storage bargains/recommendations :)


Thursday 9 June 2011

Alternative to Bio Oil

I've almost developed an art for covering them up, but I do have scarring on my face from when I suffered from mild acne years ago.
They are one of the things that I am most self-conscious about, and am always worried about covering them up.

Although it's expensive, I had heard a lot of good things about Bio Oil, so I thought I'd give it a go.
I have tried using Bio Oil a while back in an attempt to get rid of the scarring, but it ALWAYS made me break out, which means the scarring ended up getting worse.
Until now I thought my only solution would be to save up for laser treatment.

BUT I came across this serum by LUSH:

Full of Grace

I apply this at night before my moisturiser. 

Directions: Warm the solid serum between your palms (ensure your hands are clean), then apply the product thats on your hands onto your face

As a serum I love it as it feels like it really conditions my skin over night. 
As an added bonus, by morning the scarring is so much lighter. I usually find cleansing makes them a little redder temporarily because of the pressure, yet even cleansing hours after using this doesn't aggravate my skin. 

I can't say for sure whether this fully fades scars as I haven't been using it for that long, BUT I can say with confidence that (for me at least) there is a big improvement.
PLUS this gives me absolutely no breakouts!
It doesn't smother my skin, like bio oil, and it's cheaper (£7.90) and it lasts ages! I've been using it for weeks and it looks practically the same as the day I bought it!

I highly recommend this even just as a serum.
This product is a MUST if you've found the same problems with Bio Oil


Wednesday 8 June 2011

Lush's Buffy Body Butter Review

I absolutely LOVE Lush's Buffy!

Not only is it supposed to give you soft skin, but it's also supposed to diminish the look of cellulite.

I personally don't use it the way your advised:
I've been told to apply the bar onto wet skin, away from the shower, and then once it's applied you hop back in the shower and rinse it off.

I've tried it this way and, it sounds strange, but I really didn't like the smell of it, or the way it felt.

Personally THIS is the way I like to use it:
I use it like a bar of soap under the running water of the shower, or in the bath. The smell is AMAZING, and my skin ends up feeling so soft afterwards.

There are tiny granules that exfoliate your skin, whilst oils and butters moisturise your skin.

You can feel a thin balmy layer of the product on your skin afterwards, which you personally may not like, but for me I love it. But its not the kind of residue you get from body lotions that don't dry properly.
To me it feels more like a nice protective layer.

I don't use this every shower, but this is my Go To product for a pampering session before a big event/night out.

How have you guys found Buffy? 
Or do you have a favourite body butter that you think works better?

@ Beauty Not Just Skin Deep.