Thursday, 5 April 2012

Giveaway Winner

Thank you so much to everyone who entered my giveaway! As you know it ended at midnight, so today I'm announcing the winner!

Ah The Suspense..

First off I want to apologise - at about 2am this morning I woke up and just could not get back to sleep, so I decided to change the title of my giveaway post from 'open' to 'closed'. In my sleep deprived state I somehow deleted the entire content of the post, so now there's only a title! Luckily the comments are still there so I can see who entered, but I wasn't impressed! Haha

The Prize

Before I announce the winner I thought I'd do a recap of what was up for grabs!
The prize is a £50 voucher towards an 'experience' from, with lots to choose from such as spa/pamper days.

I also asked what you'd get if you won, and your answers made me wish I was was going on an experience day again. I could definitely do with a spa break!

And the Winner is...

Congratulations Kerri! 
I hope you enjoy your prize!

Thanks again to everyone who entered, and sorry to those who didn't win.
-I do have another giveaway lined up to be posted in the next few days or so, so keep your eyes peeled for that one!



  1. eeep so excited! my sister wants us to do the zorbing thing shes not letting go on that one!!

  2. Congrats to the winner. If you ever delete a post in the future you can always google it and get the 'cached' version which will be the text less the images if that helps x

  3. Thank you, sorry I didnt reply sooner. I did try this but have no idea how to view a cached copy of my blog :/ Thank you though xx

  4. Congratulations! You'll have to let me know how your experience day goes! xx


@ Beauty Not Just Skin Deep.